Who Am I?

Work & Education

John has returned to the educational environment after reflecting back on previous works in the field. In this time he has managed a number of Dance and Theatre productions working with different genres, directors, and students to facilitate fantastic art. John is also the Managing Director of the Underground Theatre Company to go beyond facilitating art and step into the space of forming the structure around which students produce their art, and serves along four other members of the Underground Board. He is looking forward to finishing his undergraduate journey at Wayne State University under the mentorship of Matt Taylor and John Keisling with a concentation on Dance Management.

Prior Experience

John has performed or worked on over 20 shows in the past 3 years both academically and profesionally. He has worked to increase equity in the field for Queer, BIPOC, and Nuerodivergent Humans with Directors and Production Team Members to ensure that theatre is accesible to everyone, and tells meaningful stories to audiences. Notably devising Earnest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea into a staged performance curated for Neurodivergent Humans, who often cannot view a full length staged musical or traditional play in collaboration with Graduate Students.